Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cleaning your Outdoor Cushions

Cleaning your Outdoor Cushions:

1 teaspoon dishwashing detergent
1 quart warm water
1 tablespoon borax

Saturate a sponge and use it to wash the cushions. You can put it in a spray bottle and saturate cushions on both sides, paying particular attention to the crevices and creases. Let the cushion sit for 15 minutes. Spray the solution off with a hose using a strong force of water. Stand each cushions on its edge out of the direct sun to dry. When almost dry, spray with a fabric protector. To remove dust between cleanings, vacuum as needed. Or, if the cushions are small enough, just shake them out.


forestcontract said...

Hmm.. great..! And what about the cleanliness of leather or any other kind of upholsters that are much expensive..?

Hotel Furniture

Leather Armchair said...

Hey..did you hear about the method of cleaning furniture by sun light..? Well, its cheapest and hygienic way ever.

Wing Chairs