Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Green Solution to Dog Pollution

We supply the largest selection of environmentally-conscious and aesthetically-pleasing  products to help keep public parks, private communities, apartment and condominium complexes, trails, campgrounds, RV parks, hotels and resorts, marinas, airports, highway rest stops, dog parks, and all other dog-friendly areas, free from the unsightly, smelly and harmful nuisance of dog pollution.  DOGIPOT products provide a very economical and practical method to encourage dog owners, rather than maintenance staff, to assume the responsibility for dog pollution.

Why DOGIPOT - The GREEN ChoiceGreen Friendly

  • Largest selection of high quality, aesthetically-pleasing dog waste removal products
  • Most environmentally-conscious product line
  • Recycled content and recyclable material used in all products
  • OXO-BIODEGRADABLE Litter Pick Up Bags
  • OXO-BIODEGRADABLE Liner Trash Bags
  • Friendly, expert, world class customer service
  • Same day east and west coast shipping

The DOGIPOT Concept:

The concept is simple.  Install DOGIPOT DOGVALETS, Pet Stations and or Junior Bag Dispensers in conspicuous spots in your popular dog-friendly areas to ensure the maximum usage and effectiveness of the system. Instructions on how to use the DOGIPOT concept are posted on top of each bag dispenser to keep the system self-explanatory.